You’ve already done the work to create a sales enablement strategy at your organization, but does it include the right sales enablement software?

Sales enablement software, sometimes called sales enablement tools, play a major role in activating your strategy and is what your sales reps—the champions of the frontline— will depend on.

Given that 55% of C-suite leaders have identified sales enablement tools as their companies' most important technology investment, it's clear that these tools are now seen as essential for driving revenue and maintaining competitiveness in today's market.

But there’s more to it than just swiping your credit card and handing over some software licenses.

Your sales reps have a lot on their plates: juggling multiple leads, handling complex sales cycles, staying up-to-date with ever-evolving products and solutions, and the constant hustle to close deals and keep the business thriving.

With the best sales enablement tools at their disposal, they will have access to the right resources, knowledge, and streamlined processes, which in turn will make their lives easier and, ultimately, supercharge the organization's sales success.

The good news: there are a lot of great options out there, many of which have unique features that will help you streamline your sales enablement strategy, but some will serve your sales team better than others.

In this guide, we’ll take you through popular options, their key components, and tips on how to create the ideal sales enablement tech stack from scratch.

Key takeaways:

  1. Sales enablement software is crucial for activating sales strategies and is a top technology investment for 55% of C-suite leaders.
  2. The best sales enablement tools provide resources, knowledge, and streamlined processes to supercharge sales success.
  3. A sales enablement stack should include sales content management tools, sales training and coaching, sales analytics and data insights, and sales automation features.
  4. Read on for specific tooling recommendations as you go about building your sales enablement stack.

What is sales enablement software?

Sales enablement software is the technology that enables organizations to deploy sales enablement resources to their sales teams. There are several types of software that serve different functions within the realm of sales enablement. All of these sales tools come with unique features, benefits, and associated costs.fro different teams such as B2B, startups and larger teams.

The primary purpose of sales enablement software is to streamline and enhance the sales process by providing sales reps with easy access to the right content, information, and resources at the right time.

Think of it as a one-stop shop for all things sales activities, ensuring that reps are well-prepared to engage prospects and close deals effectively. Sales enablement tools typically fall into several categories.

  1. Tools that centralize sales assets like case studies, product information, and competitive insights
  2. Software for training, including call recording, role-playing, best practices, and more
  3. Customer relationship management (CRM) integration
  4. Analytics and reporting
  5. Content and knowledge management

With all these categories combined, these tools can become the secret weapon for your sales organization, giving reps access to the right information at each step in the sales process and empowering them to conquer their sales pipelines with confidence and finesse.

What are the key components of a sales enablement stack?

There’s no one size fits all answer to what the key components of a sales enablement stack should be simply because it varies based on the goals and needs of the sales organizations themselves.

Ben Cotton—A global sales enablement leader who has worked with companies like Google, HubSpot, Indeed, and Edelman, talks about a few essential categories that sales teams should look at. In an in-depth post on the topic, he lists the following:

  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Learning management systems (LMS)
  • Learning reinforcement
  • Sales coaching
  • Sales readiness
  • Sales productivity
  • Sales engagement
  • Sales asset management
  • Other miscellaneous tools

“ There’s often huge overlap between the categories. Very few tools play in just one area, so you won’t need to go out and buy eight new tools.”

Ben Cotton, Global Sales Enablement Leader

He goes on to explain that when considering which tools are right for your team, think about the moments when the sales reps will use the tool, which will help you decide which tool will work best.

A sales enablement stack should have a mix of sales content management tools, which helps organize and distribute relevant sales materials, like product brochures, case studies, and demo videos—followed by sales training and coaching, which offers continuous learning opportunities and supports sales reps' skill development.

Additionally, some tools provide sales analytics and data insights, enabling reps to track their progress and identify areas for improvement. Finally, sales enablement tools often offer sales automation features, such as email templates and prospecting tools, to streamline repetitive tasks and save valuable time.

It’s all about being strategic and aligning things to your overall sales enablement strategy!

How to build a world-class sales enablement stack

Whether you're a startup new to sales enablement or an established enterprise, remember that sales enablement offerings have drastically advanced in recent years and will continue to do so. Therefore building a world-class sales enablement stack requires careful consideration and a strategic approach.

To create a robust and effective enablement stack, you should take the following key elements into account and ask yourself relevant questions when evaluating different solutions:

Alignment with Sales Goals and Processes

When shortlisting sales enablement tools, it’s vital to ensure that you aren’t adding tools to the mix that don’t align with your sales strategy. It’s good to ensure that the tool aligns with your sales team's specific goals and objectives and integrates with existing sales processes and workflows.

For example, if your sales team heavily relies on a particular CRM platform, ensure that the sales enablement tool seamlessly integrates with it to avoid disruptions and enhance adoption—after all, the purpose is to simplify things rather than complicate them.

Content Management and Accessibility

A sales enablement tool that offers intuitive search functionality and mobile access can significantly improve content discoverability and make sales reps more productive on the go. If your reps are traveling or spending the majority of their time in the field with customers, it's critical that the tool will work where they need it the most.

To ensure you’re making the right choice, look to see if the platform handles a wide range of content types, including presentations, videos, case studies, and training materials, and offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy for sales reps to access and share relevant content.

Sales Training and Onboarding Support

Regular learning and training are integral to sales enablement, so you'll want to know if the sales enablement software provides training modules and resources to onboard new sales reps quickly and efficiently. Moreover, can the software deliver ongoing training to keep the sales team up-to-date with product updates and sales techniques?

For instance, a sales enablement platform that offers interactive training content and allows tracking progress can help ensure the sales team is continuously improving their skills and knowledge and is a much better fit for your organization than one that does not.

Analytics and Insights

As a sales enablement leader, it’s on you to keep the rest of the organization updated about the progress of campaigns, and that’s where sales enablement tools with analytics and reporting capabilities come in extremely handy. It will take less time to set up than manual tracking and can provide you with information on content engagement, identify high-performing assets, and provide insights into sales performance.

For example, advanced analytics tools in the market can measure the impact of content on sales opportunities and can guide sales reps in focusing on the most effective resources. When shortlisting one for your organization, thoroughly evaluate the type of analytics and reporting capabilities your preferred tool offers.

Integration with Existing Technology Stack

Does the sales enablement solution integrate seamlessly with other tools your sales team uses, such as CRM, marketing automation, or communication platforms? How does it enhance data synchronization and avoid duplication of efforts?

A well-integrated sales enablement stack that connects with most cloud-based CRM allows sales reps to view customer interactions, sales conversations, buying history, and other relevant data within a single platform, streamlining their workflow so this is an important consideration when building your tech stack.

Ease of Adoption and Support

Lastly, it’s about the ease of adoption. It’s always good to know how user-friendly the platform is and how much training sales reps need to start using it effectively. Apart from that, don’t miss out on considering the kind of customer support the vendor offers and how responsive they are in addressing issues.

This is important because a well-designed interface and comprehensive support resources can expedite adoption and minimize resistance from the sales team.

By thoroughly evaluating these key elements and asking the right questions, sales leaders can optimize a sales enablement stack that meets their immediate needs and sets the foundation for their sales organization to excel in the long run.

Sales enablement software recommendations

CRM: Hubspot

A CRM or Customer Relationship Management tool is central to a sales enablement tech stack helping sales representatives track leads, manage contacts, monitor the sales pipeline, and improve customer engagement.

When it comes to picking a CRM, Hubspot is a popular choice for high-growth / non-enterprise companies, given its speed of implementation and solid integration range.

HubSpot's Deal Pipeline interface

The platform has an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for salespeople to adapt quickly and get the most out of the system. The platform also allows sales reps to have up-to-date information about prospects and tailor their approach accordingly. The software offers features like automated reminders and notifications as well as robust sales pipeline management, helping reps track the progress of leads, identify potential bottlenecks, and prioritize tasks effectively.

Additionally, HubSpot CRM integrates seamlessly with other HubSpot tools, such as marketing and customer service platforms, providing a holistic view of the customer journey. This integration allows for better collaboration across departments and ensures a consistent and personalized customer experience.

  • Use case: Offers valuable features for sales leaders, salespeople, marketing teams, customer service teams, and operations managers.
  • Specific standout feature: Automated data capture. HubSpot CRM automatically logs calls made and emails sent from the system and posts them in a timeline-like view on the contact's record page.
  • Templates: Yes. Offers a variety of email templates that can be personalized and optimized.
  • Tracking & analytics: Yes. HubSpot CRM offers email tracking, call tracking, document management, and tracking.
  • Integrations: Yes. The tool offers seamless CRM integration with over 1,340 tools in HubSpot’s App Marketplace.
  • Customer support: Offers 24/7 customer support across live chat, email, or phone, depending on the plan.
  • Pricing: HubSpot allows companies to access the CRM software for free for up to 1,000,000 contacts with no time limit, expiration date, or cap on the team size. Advanced CRM capabilities can be accessed through HubSpot premium Sales Hub products (prices range between $45/month to - $1,200/month based on the product tier).

CRM: Salesforce

A more suitable CRM option for enterprise-level organizations is Salesforce, given its powerful customization and feature set that revolutionizes how businesses handle customer interactions.

Packed with an array of powerful features, it empowers sales teams to reach new heights of productivity and success.

a screenshot of a salesforce dashboard for a mobile generator

With Salesforce CRM, companies can centralize their customer data and keep track of every touchpoint in one place, ensuring a personalized and seamless experience for clients.

The platform's robust automation tools streamline routine tasks, freeing up valuable time for sales reps to focus on building relationships and closing deals. Additionally, Salesforce's intuitive reporting and analytics provide valuable insights into sales performance, enabling data-driven decision-making.

Its scalability and versatility make it suitable for businesses of all sizes, making Salesforce CRM a game-changing solution for optimizing sales processes and cultivating lasting customer connections.

  • Use case: Salesforce is an all-in-one CRM software that offers use cases across sales, marketing, and customer service teams.
  • Specific standout feature: Offers real-time sales insights around lead scoring, pipeline inspection, conversation insights, and more.
  • Templates: Yes, it offers custom templates.
  • Tracking & analytics: Yes. Salesforce offers robust reporting and analytics capabilities along with dedicated dashboards.
  • Integrations: Salesforce integrates with a host of apps.
  • Customer support: Salesforce customers automatically get online support, tools, and training; however, 24*7 support is available with select plans.
  • Pricing: Pricing starts at USD 25/user for the Starter pack, whereas the Enterprise plan costs USD 150/user and upwards.

LMS / Learning Reinforcement: Lessonly (now part of Seismic)

According to Lessonly, 74% of organizations have sales assets in multiple locations, and 80% of sellers can’t find the needed materials. Now that’s a real bottleneck when it comes to closing deals, isn’t it?

That’s where a Learning Management System (LMS) can be a beneficial addition to your sales enablement tech stack. For sales teams, an LMS can be a game-changer, as it lets your sales reps stay updated on the latest product information, sales techniques, industry trends, and more—all in one place.

Seismic's planner dashboard

Through interactive courses, quizzes, and videos, sales reps can enhance their skills, boost product knowledge, and improve their overall performance. The flexibility of an LMS allows team members to access training materials at their own pace, ensuring that each salesperson receives tailored learning experiences, ultimately leading to more confident and effective sales pitches.

Lessonly by Seismic is a Learning Management System that offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy for sales teams to dive right into their learning journey. With Lessonly, creating engaging and interactive training content is a breeze, whether it's product tutorials, sales playbooks, or customer service techniques. Its robust analytics tools provide valuable insights into individual and team progress, helping managers identify areas for improvement and measure the impact of training on sales performance.

  • Use case: Sales enablement teams, sales teams, marketing teams, and customer service teams at high growth and enterprise level teams.
  • Specific standout feature: The platform's mobile accessibility enables salespeople to learn on the go, making it convenient and efficient for busy professionals. The seamless integration with Seismic allows sales reps to access training materials directly within the Seismic interface, eliminating the need to switch between different platforms.
  • Templates:
  • Tracking & analytics: Offers data-based insights for better training, engagement, and content.
  • Integrations: Offers integrations with a variety of communication, productivity, CRM, and sales engagement platforms.
  • Customer support: Support is available via message, ticket, and email.
  • Pricing: Start with a demo to get custom pricing.

Sales Coaching: Gong

Sales coaching is a key part of a good sales enablement strategy. But when it comes to actually doing it, do you struggle to provide consistent coaching and targeted feedback to your sales team members? You aren’t alone.

a screenshot of the gong app showing the talk ratio

Without powerful insights, it can be extremely challenging to help your team refine their sales techniques, improve communication skills, and gain a deeper understanding of customer needs. If you’re looking to build a culture of continuous improvement that drives better overall sales performance, it’s vital for you to add sales coaching software to your sales enablement tech stack.

Research indicates that implementing real-time, deal-specific coaching results in an 8% increase in annual revenue, as highlighted by CSO Insights. This underscores the importance of sales coaching tools like Gong in driving sales performance.

Gong is a leading sales coaching tool. It uses artificial intelligence to record and transcribe sales calls and meetings automatically. This allows sales reps and managers to review and analyze conversations, uncovering valuable insights and trends.

Gong's call analytics and conversation intelligence capabilities provide detailed feedback on crucial elements like talk-to-listen ratio, objections handling, and customer sentiment, helping sales teams pinpoint areas of improvement.

Another key aspect of Gong is its coaching and collaboration tools. Managers can provide specific feedback and coaching directly within the platform, making guiding individual sales reps' growth easier. The platform also facilitates knowledge-sharing and collaboration among team members, fostering a culture of learning and camaraderie.

With Gong, sales teams can refine their strategies, replicate successful approaches, and continuously elevate their performance, leading to increased sales success and improved customer relationships.

  • Use case: Gong is used by sales teams, marketing teams as well and customer success teams.
  • Specific standout feature: Gong's comprehensive analytics dashboard helps sales managers gain a holistic view of team performance, track progress toward goals, and identify best practices.
  • Templates: Offers external sales templates to empower and educate users.
  • Tracking & analytics: Gong provides detailed analytics around coaching, deal execution, forecasting, and strategic initiatives.
  • Integrations: Offers over 100+ integrations across productivity tools, CRM (Microsoft), automation workflows, and more.
  • Customer support: Gong offers customer support via email, form, and help center
  • Pricing: All licenses offered by Gong are priced per recorded user. There is also a platform fee based on the number of users supported.

Sales Productivity & Engagement: Outreach

Getting the right message in front of the right people at the right time is the biggest challenge for sales reps across the board. But with the right sales productivity and engagement, sales reps can streamline their outreach efforts and enhance communication. These tools serve as a centralized platform for managing and automating sales tasks, including email campaigns, follow-ups, and scheduling.

If you’ve been looking to add a tool that does all of this and provides valuable analytics and insights, look no further than

Outreach visualisation offers multi-channel communication through its high-impact sequences, allowing sales reps to reach prospects through various channels like email and phone calls, ensuring a more personalized and impactful approach.

The platform's automation capabilities are another highlight, enabling users to schedule and personalize outreach at scale. Sales reps can set up customized sequences and follow-ups, saving time and ensuring consistent communication with prospective customers. Features like sentiment analysis and integrated A/B testing are also powerful capabilities for companies.

  • Use case: Sales team (reps, leadership, development, and leaders).
  • Specific standout feature: Outreach identifies when prospects are out of the office and automatically pauses sequences until they return.
  • Templates: Yes, it does offer templates for regular use in sequence and other emails.
  • Tracking & analytics: It offers AI-rich insights helping managers understand what action leads to sales.
  • Integrations: Yes, it integrates with a wide variety of sales tools.
  • Customer support: Offers support via a self-service portal, tickets, chat, and live support based on the plan.
  • Pricing: Reach out to the team for custom pricing

Proposal & Document Automation: Qwilr

When it comes to effective sales, you want your sales reps to have access to up-to-date and relevant materials to present to potential clients. In addition, you want them to have access to sales proposals, quotes, and other documents without having to create them from scratch every time.

By automating these tasks, sales reps can save time, reduce errors, and maintain consistency in their messaging. Together, asset management and document automation software enhance the overall efficiency of the sales team, enabling them to focus on the more crucial bits— building relationships and closing deals.

Qwilr's proposal builder

This is the primary reason we built Qwilr. Our sales proposal management software allows sales reps to easily create visually stunning and interactive proposals. Users can choose from a range of proposal templates and customize them to showcase products, services, and proposals in a captivating and professional manner.

The platform's document automation capabilities enable sales teams to quickly generate personalized proposals and quotes. With dynamic content and smart blocks, sales reps can tailor documents to individual clients, ensuring a personalized touch without the need for manual adjustments.

Qwilr's asset management feature lets users organize and store sales enablement collateral, ensuring easy access and consistent branding. Sales reps can easily embed videos, images, call recordings, and interactive elements into their documents, providing prospects with a more engaging and immersive experience.

Lastly, Qwilr offers real-time tracking and analytics, allowing sales teams to monitor prospect interactions with documents. This valuable insight helps identify interested prospects and understand what parts of the proposal or presentation resonate most with clients, enabling reps to tailor their follow-up strategies accordingly.

  • Use case: Qwilr can be used by sales, marketing, sales ops, customer success, and recruitment teams.
  • Specific standout feature: Automated content helps the sales team create content on the go (Qwilr also has a A.I proposal feature add on).
  • Templates: Yes, Qwilr offers over 70+ professional proposal templates.
  • Tracking & analytics: Users can see who engaged with their content and what they looked at when clicking.
  • Integrations: Qwilr easily integrates with various sales software across the board, including many popular CRMs.
  • Customer support: 24/7 customer support on weekdays with limited support on weekends and holidays.
  • Pricing: Qwilr offers business and enterprise plans starting at USD $35, with a 14-day free trial.

Sales Readiness: Showpad Coach

We have spoken about the significance of coaching earlier, and this list will be incomplete without mentioning Showpad Coach.

Showpad Coach’s sales enablement platform empowers sales managers to provide personalized coaching and training to their teams, ensuring that each sales rep receives targeted guidance and development opportunities.

Sales managers can track individual progress and identify areas for improvement, tailoring coaching to suit each team member's specific needs.

Showpad's coaching interface

Showpad Coach also offers robust analytics and insights, providing valuable data on coaching effectiveness and team performance. With Showpad Coach, sales teams can fine-tune their selling techniques, boost confidence, and drive success in a competitive market.

  • Use case: Used by marketing, sales, and sales enablement teams
  • Specific standout feature: The platform's video coaching feature enables sales reps to record and share practice pitches or presentations, helping them improve consistently.
  • Templates: Offers email and page templates
  • Tracking & analytics: Powerful engagement and seller insights to identify and promote winning practices and seller behaviors.
  • Integrations: Showpad offers CRM, email, marketing automation, and social media integration through its open sales enablement platform.
  • Customer support: Offers support via Help Center, Showpad Academy, other resources, and ticketing.
  • Pricing: Offers custom pricing. Contact the team for a quote.

Miscellaneous: Drift

If you’ve been in the SaaS space for a long time, you probably already know Drift's Conversational Cloud—a single platform for personalizing conversations at every stage of the buyer’s journey.

So why should you consider this software as a part of your sales tech stack? Quite simply because it offers a range of features to benefit sales teams for driving sales success.

Drift's chat interface

Drift's live chat functionality allows sales reps to engage with website visitors in real-time, offering immediate assistance and personalized interactions. This fosters a seamless buying experience and helps convert leads into customers more effectively.

The platform's chatbots can handle routine queries, freeing up sales reps' time to focus on more complex tasks. Drift also enables users to book meetings directly from the chat, streamlining the scheduling process and facilitating quicker follow-ups.

Another notable feature is its integration with customer relationship management (CRM) systems, ensuring that all lead data is seamlessly synced and accessible for sales reps. With Drift, sales teams can build stronger relationships with prospects, improve lead conversion rates, and ultimately drive revenue growth.

  • Use case: Drift can be used by sales, customer service, and marketing teams across a range of industries.
  • Specific standout feature: Custom-trained AI features
  • Templates: Offers conversational email templates
  • Tracking & analytics: Offers a variety of reports and dashboards for the sales team
  • Integrations: Drift integrates with a variety of CRM, marketing automation, data, and comms tools.
  • Customer support: Drift offers customer support via tickets, community assistance, videos, and developer docs.
  • Pricing: Drift’s Premium plan starts at $2500/month. Speak to the team for advanced and enterprise plans.

Equip your sales team for success with the right sales enablement tools

In today's fast-paced and competitive market, embracing the best sales enablement tools is not just important but crucial for staying ahead and achieving exceptional results.

There are an array of powerful tools that enhance efficiency, productivity, and success—from Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms to Learning Management Systems (LMS) to sales coaching software; each tool contributes its unique strengths, collectively creating a cohesive and efficient sales enablement function.

By leveraging these tools effectively, you can streamline processes, deliver personalized experiences to prospects, and make data-driven decisions. So, invest wisely in these tools, equip your sales team for success, and watch as your sales enablement function thrives with heightened efficiency and effectiveness.

About the author

Brendan Connaughton, Head of Growth Marketing

Brendan Connaughton|Head of Growth Marketing

Brendan heads up growth marketing and demand generation at Qwilr, overseeing performance marketing, SEO, and lifecycle initiatives. Brendan has been instrumental in developing go-to-market functions for a number of high-growth startups and challenger brands.