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Introducing: Easier Page Acceptance and Record Retention for Your Buyers

Brendan Connaughton|Updated Sep 21, 2023
an advertisement for qwilr springboard with a woman on the screen

A great and seamless buyer experience is key to why Qwilr helps increase your sales velocity. Our latest batch of small improvements continues to enhance the buyer experience, making it even easier for your buyers to accept pages and retain their records.

Pre-Filled Signatures

Your buyers can now save their details and signatures if they have a Qwilr Springboard account. If a buyer is signed into Springboard when they accept a page, their details are automatically saved and used to pre-fill the next page they sign. This reduces friction and makes the purchasing decision smoother and faster.

To learn more about Springboard, click here.

Other Changes

Accepted Pages Automatically Save to Springboard

If your buyer is logged into their Springboard account when they accept a page, this page will be automatically saved to their Springboard account. This makes it really easy for them to find and refer back to pages they have previously accepted. If you are sending multiple pages to your buyers, such as educational materials, saving those pages to Springboard is a great way for your buyers to keep everything together in a central hub.

Prompts for Buyers

We’ve heard from you that buyers sometimes don’t understand that a Qwilr page is a proposal they can accept and/or sign. To address this, we have introduced an educational pop-up when they first open a page to let them know the page can be accepted. This ensures that buyers are aware of the functionality and can take action accordingly.

Why These Changes Matter

These updates are designed to streamline the buyer journey, making it more intuitive and less time-consuming. By reducing the steps needed for buyers to accept pages and by providing clear prompts and automatic record-keeping, we are enhancing the overall user experience and helping you close deals faster.

Get Started Today

Experience these new features and see how they can benefit your sales process. Encourage your buyers to create a Springboard account to take full advantage of pre-filled signatures and automatic page saving.

How to stay updated

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About the author

Brendan Connaughton, Head of Growth Marketing

Brendan Connaughton|Head of Growth Marketing

Brendan heads up growth marketing and demand generation at Qwilr, overseeing performance marketing, SEO, and lifecycle initiatives. Brendan has been instrumental in developing go-to-market functions for a number of high-growth startups and challenger brands.