Have you ever felt overwhelmed at the prospect of writing a social media proposal?

You know how vital a compelling proposal is, but the right words can seem... out of reach; the blank page is daunting.

The good news is that you're not the first and won't be the last person who has sat staring at a blinking cursor. And for some more good news, we're here to help!

We understand how difficult it is to meet the client's expectations, formulate your unique approach, and create a proposal that compels the client. Our goal? To turn this challenging task into a clear and effortless process. We've put together the insights, strategies, and structure to help you create an effective social media marketing proposal that stands out to your potential client.

Key takeaways

  1. A social media proposal is a strategic plan that outlines your approach to a client's social media management.
  2. Understanding the client's needs, goals, target audience, and competition is crucial for crafting an effective proposal.
  3. The proposal should include a clear strategy, measurable goals, and a plan for tracking success.
  4. Knowing the client's budget and timeline upfront helps in devising a realistic and effective strategy.
  5. The proposal should be compelling, easy to understand, and should highlight your unique value proposition.

What is a social media proposal?

Think of it as a game plan that outlines your strategies for the client's social media management. It covers everything from the type of content you'll post to how it aligns with their business goals. This is your chance to show you know what they need and how you can help them get it.

a social media proposal

A social media management proposal is your chance to demonstrate your expertise, creativity, and understanding of your client's unique brand. It's more than a document; it's a conversation starter, a promise of growth, and a step toward a successful customer relationship.

You can see an example of this in Qwilr's social media marketing proposal template.

Steps to writing a compelling social media proposal

Writing a social media proposal is akin to putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Each piece must fit perfectly to create a complete, persuasive picture. From understanding your client's goals to presenting your unique strategy, every step is an opportunity to showcase your expertise and creativity.

Let's look at the key elements you can’t do without…

1. Identify the organization's requirements and challenges

The first step to writing a good social media proposal is clearly understanding the organization's needs and challenges.

To achieve this, listen carefully in the discovery session and subsequent meetings with your prospective client, then assess their current social media efforts. Look at what they've already tried, what's worked, and what hasn't. It's not just about gathering information but understanding it so you can make a sales proposal that hits the mark: specific solutions to a specific situation

2. Determine business goals and objectives

The next step in a social media proposal journey is determining your client's business goals. What do they want to achieve with their social media presence, and what does success look like to them?

It's like choosing a destination for a road trip. Where do we want to go? Is it to increase sales? Grow your audience? Strengthen your brand identity? Having a clear goal and some objectives will help you create the right strategy.

This is where you need to be specific. General, vague goals are not enough. You need clear, measurable goals that are realistic and relevant. Goals you can pursue and achieve within a specific time frame. Remember, these metrics provide you with tangible proof of your proposal's success later, too.

3. Research the client's target audience

The next important step in your social media proposal writing journey is to know your client's target audience. It's not just about discovering who they are but also about understanding what they like, what they don't like, and how they use social media.

a diagram showing how to research the client's target audience

Look at their age group, interests, and their online habits. Are they mainly on Facebook or TikTok? Do they prefer videos or written posts?

This research is essential because it'll help you develop a social media strategy that hits the mark. It's about creating content that reaches the target audience and speaks directly to them.

4. Get to know the competition

Understanding your competition is essential to creating an effective social media proposal. But that doesn't mean you should copy their approach. Instead, it's about making keen observations and using them to find unique opportunities to help your client stand out.

Again - you guessed it! - that means some research...

What are the competitors doing? How are they engaging with their audience? What platforms are they using effectively, and what content are they publishing?

These insights are incredibly valuable so you can reverse-engineer what works, improving and making it your own. In this process, you can also identify the gaps where your client's voice can make a real difference. If you know what the competition is doing, you can develop a strategy that not only meets them but beats them.

5. Review your prospect's social media accounts

A thorough review of your client's social media accounts is essential in crafting your proposal. This involves more than just a quick scroll through the feeds. You must closely examine the nature of the posted content, its frequency, and how the audience reacts to it. Are their posts being liked, shared, and commented on? Which ones are getting the most traction? Which ones attract only tumbleweeds?

This will give you a clear understanding of what works well and the areas of opportunity for improvement. You can spot trends, double down on content creation that resonates well with the target audience, and ideate on new things to test.

Knowing where your client currently stands on social media gives you a solid foundation for your proposal. You'll develop a strategy that builds on your client's strengths and compensates for any weaknesses.

6. Ask about the client's budget and anticipated deadlines

Being aligned with what your client can afford to spend on social media management and content creation is a critical step in the process. You should not send a proposal without aligning on budget constraints first. This will ensure you aren't wasting your time creating a proposal and strategy for a client who cannot afford it. You will also save yourself time and energy when it comes to the negotiation stage of your sales process.

Another benefit of knowing your client's budget upfront is that it will help you plan strategies that are effective and budget-friendly at the same time. Whether they have a modest budget or a bigger one, your goal is to find creative solutions that make the most of what they have.

Timing and setting deadlines are just as important. Every client has their timeline, and if you know that, you can create a plan that's not only impressive but timely. It's about being realistic about what can be achieved within the given timeframe.

In this part of the proposal, you show that you can work within the client's capabilities to devise a social media strategy that meets their needs.

7. Writing the social media proposal

This is the part where the rubber hits the road. It's time to take all of your research and ideas and tell a cohesive story so compelling your client won't be able to say no.

Most solid sales methodologies start with an introduction that speaks to your client. Show them you understand their needs and have exciting ideas to achieve their marketing goals. Explain your proposed social media marketing strategy in simple terms. Use the space to show how your marketing proposal aligns with the client's goals and how you'll overcome any challenges. Make it easy for them to understand and get excited about your plan.

And to really seal the deal, make sure to talk about how you'll measure success. List the metrics and KPIs you'll use. This shows that you're focused on achieving actual, measurable results.

Conclude by summarizing the value you bring and why your approach is best for their social media needs. And finally, don't forget a call to action -- tell them how they can take the next step in working with you to help close the deal.

Example of a social media proposal template

Want to see all this advice in action? Then, let's look at an example that sums it all up – our social media management proposal template.

This template includes:

  • The Challenge: Here, we set out the specific challenges your client faces on social media. It's about recognizing the hurdles and creating the stage for your solutions.
  • Your Priorities: This section focuses on what is most important to your customer. It's about focusing on their top concerns and objectives.
  • 12-Month Goals: What are the big wins you are aiming for in the next year? Here you can outline clear, achievable targets for the social media journey ahead.
  • Current Social Media Performance: Include the time required to take stock of where things stand. This section reviews the client's current social media status to create a growth baseline.
  • Social Media Strategy: Here's the core of your proposal. It outlines your game plan - the creative and strategic steps you'll take to meet (and exceed) those goals.
  • How We Can Help: This is where you shine a light on your unique value proposition. What makes your approach different and effective? Spell it out here.
  • What Success Looks Like: Paint a picture of success. This section helps the client visualize the positive outcomes of your proposed strategy.
  • Recent Client Wins: Nothing speaks louder than success stories. Share examples of how you've helped similar clients achieve their goals.
  • Investment: Be clear and upfront. This is where you break down the costs associated with your proposal. No surprises, just transparency.
  • Next Steps: What happens after they say yes? This section outlines the immediate actions to kickstart the strategy.
  • Conclusion: Wrap up your offer with a concise summary reiterating your strategy's value and impact.

The best proposal templates will include most of the above sections. Alternatively, you can try our proposal generator software for free and create your own professional looking proposal in minutes.

Creating the best social media proposal for your clients

A solid social media proposal starts with understanding your client's needs, target audience, and the competitive landscape. Then, it's about matching those insights with clear strategies, timelines, and budgets. Crafting a story that not only sells but inspires, too.

Your proposal is your chance to shine. And if you need help, Qwilr is here for you. Our easy-to-use social media proposal templates will help you create offers that stand out. As a bonus, you'll have more time to spend with your clients or conducting additional research to build a winning strategy.

About the author

Brendan Connaughton, Head of Growth Marketing

Brendan Connaughton|Head of Growth Marketing

Brendan heads up growth marketing and demand generation at Qwilr, overseeing performance marketing, SEO, and lifecycle initiatives. Brendan has been instrumental in developing go-to-market functions for a number of high-growth startups and challenger brands.


A social media proposal is a game plan that outlines your strategies for a client's social media management. It covers everything from the type of content you'll post to how it aligns with their business goals.

Key elements include understanding the client's needs and challenges, determining their business goals, researching their target audience, understanding the competition, reviewing the client's social media accounts, and aligning with the client's budget and deadlines.

Researching the client's target audience helps you develop a social media strategy that resonates with them. It's about creating content that reaches the target audience and speaks directly to them.

Understanding your competition helps you find unique opportunities to help your client stand out. It involves observing the competitors' strategies and identifying gaps where your client's voice can make a difference.

Aligning with the client's budget ensures you create a proposal and strategy the client can afford. Knowing the client's timeline allows you to create a plan that's not only impressive but also timely.

The best format for a social media proposal is clear, structured, and easy to navigate. It should begin with an engaging introduction, followed by a detailed analysis of the client's needs, a strategic plan with goals and objectives, evidence of past successes, and a clear breakdown of costs and next steps. This format ensures that your proposal is easy to read and understand.

Send your social media proposal after initial conversations with the client and understanding their needs, but before you start the detailed work. This will ensure that you and the client are on the same page.

You should email your social media proposal as a web-based link or PDF. A web-based link using proposal software like Qwilr will allow you to take advantage of analytics capabilities. This way, you know when your proposal was viewed and what sections were looked at most. Be sure to include a short message highlighting the key points so the customer can easily and clearly understand your offering.