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Introducing: New Customizable Engagement Levels - focus on the right deals with your sales teams

Tania Clarke|Updated Sep 7, 2023
a screenshot of a page that says ' pages ' on it

We’re excited to introduce customizable engagement levels, a powerful feature designed to transform the way sales teams approach proposals and decision-making. With real-time insights, adjustments, and optimization, it will easily give teams the competitive edge we’re all looking for.

a screenshot of a page that says ' pages ' on it

Here’s How It Will Make a Difference

Real-Time View at a Glance

Our engagement algorithm analyzes real-time user interactions and provides insights into how your content is performing. You’ll see the engagement dials right on your dashboard as soon as you log in. This feature allows your team to quickly assess progress and discuss strategies without wasting time. By having immediate visibility into engagement metrics, you can address potential issues and capitalize on opportunities faster.

Decisions Backed by Real Data

Make informed decisions by understanding which elements of your content are resonating most with your audience. The insights provided by our engagement algorithm help you identify when to tweak proposals and when to let them be, maximizing your chances of closing deals. By knowing what works and what doesn’t, you can refine your approach to better meet your audience’s needs and expectations.

Customize Algorithms to Meet Your Needs

Each business is unique, and so are its engagement metrics. With our customizable engagement algorithm, you can set parameters that align with what you deem important and how you define engaged customers. This feature allows you to measure what matters most to you. For instance, as a Sales or Operations Leader, you can decide whether your team should focus on highly engaged deals or prioritize closing them. This level of customization helps you systemize your specific focus and implement it effectively across your sales team.

We’ve written a thorough guide to help you get started: Engagement Algorithm Guide.

Or, jump in and read more from our blog for additional insights and tips.

Harnessing the Power of Data

We’re super excited to see how customizable engagement levels will enable sales teams to harness the power of data. By providing real-time insights and allowing for tailored engagement metrics, this feature is set to revolutionize your sales strategy.

Keep an eye out for more exciting updates and new insights features coming your way this year. We can’t wait to see the positive impact this will have on your sales performance!

How to stay updated

To keep up with our newest features and releases, make sure to follow our Product Updates, and follow us on Linkedin.

Need more help understanding the newest features? Our customer support team is always available to answer questions and ensure you fully leverage all of the newest product features.

About the author

Tania Clarke, Head of Product Marketing

Tania Clarke|Head of Product Marketing

Tania heads up product marketing at Qwilr – looking after positioning, sales enablement, competitor intelligence and more. Tania brings experience from former roles at high growth startups like Atlassian and Safety Culture.