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NEW in Analytics: Track interactions on your Qwilr pages

Tania Clarke|Updated May 7, 2024
a pie chart showing the time spent on interactions in Qwilr

Back in February we announced big upgrades to Qwilr’s analytics that brings a whole new look, and more data available to track. We’re excited to share the next instalment of that upgrade.

Introducing Interactions: a whole new set of buyer interactions you can track on every Qwilr page.

Interactions ✨

This new tab brings a wealth of new data, including:

Identifying buyers: Monitor who is interacting with your Qwilr pages

One of the major benefits of proposals is their ability to clearly communicate your company's products, services, and overall value to all parties, even to those not present in the initial meeting.

Understanding who is viewing your proposal and how they interact with it allows you to gauge the interests of the key parties involved.

These small signals, when compiled, build a picture of a company's interest in your offer. If there's a lot of activity, or conversely, no activity, you'll have indicators to base your next steps on and to plan your approach.

Qwilr's new interactions track:

  • New viewers, collecting information on their view time and viewing location
  • Whether they've re-engaged and the frequency of their page views
  • Exactly what each viewer is looking at within the page

Pricing and acceptance analytics: Identify friction in your buyer's journey

The new interactions cover buyers' activities across pricing, the acceptance process, and e-signatures. These interactions help you figure out what's causing a proposal to stall by observing specific signals.

Qwilr now tracks:

  • Whether buyers are delaying by identifying who has signed or if you need to follow up for a signature.
  • If the acceptance process has started or is partially complete
  • Any modifications to a quote or pricing
  • Usage of an ROI calculator
  • If an expired page has been revisited

Content analytics: Monitor how buyers engage with your content

We've enhanced page interaction tracking, providing crucial data about your buyers' interests and the content they engage with.

A CFO might directly scroll to the pricing and ROI section, while a marketing manager might focus on understanding the offer and case studies. With Qwilr, you can track how each user engages with every proposal.

With Qwilr’s new content interactions, you can now monitor:

  • When a block is expanded
  • If an accordion is opened
  • When navigation items are selected
  • When buttons and links are clicked
  • What a viewer lingers on
  • How long each viewer spends on sections within a page

This list of interactions isn’t the be all and end all. We’re adding more interactions you can track over time. Want to see something specific? Add your suggestion here.

A new activity timeline

You’ll see a new timeline that brings the entire history of the page and all the interactions together. It will show things like:

  • When the page was first created
  • Page status changes (when the page goes from draft to live and is ultimately accepted or declined)
  • Pages viewed, who is viewing them (and where they're located)
  • Engagement level changes
  • More specific activity, such as whether or not a viewer interacted with a pricing quote or clicked on an ROI calculator
  • A detailed timeline that shows what each person has done during a session

a screenshot of a web page showing a timeline and a page accepted .

Notifications (Coming Soon)

Next up on the list is notifications. We’re adding notifications so you can act quickly when a transaction happens, someone signs, or if the process has been stalled. Or even better, if someone comes back to view a proposal weeks or months later, you’ll get notified too.

We’re also updating the email notifications menu to make it more clear whether you want to be notified on every view, just the first view, or something a bit more customized. More details to come on how notifications will work very soon.

How to stay updated

To keep up with our newest features and releases, make sure to follow our Product Updates, and follow us on Linkedin.

Need more help understanding the newest features? Our customer support team is always available to answer questions and ensure you fully leverage all of the newest product features.

Introducing Interactions: a whole new set of buyer interactions you can track on every Qwilr page.

About the author

Tania Clarke, Head of Product Marketing

Tania Clarke|Head of Product Marketing

Tania heads up product marketing at Qwilr – looking after positioning, sales enablement, competitor intelligence and more. Tania brings experience from former roles at high growth startups like Atlassian and Safety Culture.