HubSpot customers can now sync line items that are imported from HubSpot via the products token. Sync discount, quantity and price data for better accuracy in your proposals and quotes.

Qwilr's Automations with HubSpot now allows updates to your Qwilr page states to trigger changes in HubSpot records.
With our new HubSpot Automations (beta), when a Qwilr Page is accepted, declined, expires, or otherwise changes state, the connected HubSpot record can now be automatically updated!
This feature works specifically for HubSpot Deal Templates, and does not apply to Contact or Company templates.
This feature is in beta, you can access it if you are a HubSpot integration user.
Let us show you how it works in the video below.
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About the author

Brooke|Product Manager
Brooke is the Product Manager for Automation and Data at Qwilr. She leads integrations with core sales systems like HubSpot, Salesforce and other CRMs. Brooke brings experience from high growth startups across Australia and the UK.