HubSpot Automations brings you two-way sync for Qwilr + HubSpot customers
Update your deals automatically
- Move a deal to closed won when a Qwilr is accepted
- Move a deal to closed lost when a Qwilr expires
- Update deal close date when a Qwilr is accepted
- Update deal amount when a Qwilr is accepted

Sync data to HubSpot
- Sync accepted line items back HubSpot (coming soon)
- Sync custom form data back to HubSpot deal when a Qwilr is accepted (coming soon)
- …And more!

Sign up for early access
As an early adopter, you’ll get:
- Early access to HubSpot automations updates as soon as they’re available
- Involvement to help guide the final solution
- Opportunity to test concepts and provide feedback
- 6 months of free automations until June 2024 (note: automations will incur a fee once it moves out of beta, but don’t worry we’ll give you plenty of notice!)