Streamline the sales process with proposal automation software

Get personalized proposals out in minutes by connecting to your CRM. Qwilr provides the system to automate content creation, and keep your CRM up to date automatically.

a screenshot of the automations page of a website
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Make proposals one less thing to worry about with automation

Update CRM deals automatically

Move a deal to closed lost, update deal amounts, close dates, sync data and more.

Automate content creation

Create templates and asset libraries that automatically create sales material in one-click from a CRM.

Make personalization automated

Create fields that pull in company name, stakeholder details, pricing and more.

Automate the manual work sales teams hate

With Qwilr, reps generate sales quotes, pitch decks, digital sales rooms and more from a CRM within minutes of speaking with a buyer.

a computer screen that says welcome company prepared for firstname lastname

Make personalization something that happens automatically

Most pieces of content sent to buyers are generic from marketing teams. By pulling in data from a CRM, reps dynamically personalize every piece of content they generate.

a company name and acme presentation with a group of people

Keep everything error-free

No embarrassing mistakes occur when product data, company name, and other deal details gets pulled in directly from the CRM.

a tablet screen shows a page created for an enterprise proposal

Connect to your tech stack

Qwilr integrates with all the leading CRM, sales and accounting software, like HubSpot, Salesforce, Zoho, Pipedrive, and Quickbooks.

a screenshot of a web page that says ' integrations ' at the top

Fastest proposal platform to implement

We compared the top 10 proposal software solutions on G2 so that you didn’t have to.

500+ 5-star G2 reviews

a graph showing the time to implement various apps

Why choose Qwilr?

The most comprehensive automated proposal system available

✅ Simple CRM setup

CRM connections are designed to be set up with minimal effort. Have it up and running in a few clicks.

✅  Embedded in CRMs

A ‘create Qwilr page’ button embeds in your CRM interface for easy access. Create personalized pages from records like deals, opportunities, contacts and more.

✅ Error-free quotes

No need to manually update pricing information. let Qwilr pull in product line items with descriptions, quantities and more.

✅ Add custom fields

As you grow your list of custom fields, these can be used in Qwilr so reps can select from a growing list of options.

✅ Automate visual content

Automatically embed images, videos, Google Maps and more using Qwilr’s CRM fields.

✅ High-volume document generation

Need greater volume? Connect to our API to generate 1000s of documents.

A word from our customers

Nick & Armand from 30 minutes to president's club
30 Minutes to Presidents Club30 Minutes to Presidents Club
Qwilr has been a game-changer for us. Sales collateral that used to be a pain to build in Slides/Docs can now be spun up with Qwilr in minutes. Plus, we get real-time reporting to know when a prospect has re-engaged or is sharing our materials internally.
Nick Cegelski & Armand Farrokh
Hosts of 30 Minutes to President’s Club
Qwilr customer Neil de Jesus, Director of Business Development at Resi
“Qwilr has saved each sales rep an average of 1 hour per deal closed. Since implementing Qwilr, we have closed over 2,000 deals, saving us over 2,000 hours of time that we can invest in additional sales activities.”
Neil de Jesus
Director of Business Development
Qwilr customer Robert Brooks, VP of Sales at Lambda
“I love the live link. It’s been really helpful to be able to make changes on the fly and not have to resend a bunch of documents. It’s a much better customer experience than someone needing to look through multiple versions to find the most current one.”
Robert Brooks
VP, Sales
Qwilr customer Amy DeCicco, Sr. Vice President of Marketing at ExtensisHR
“Sometimes, we’re not even able to get in the room. Our proposal has to be the representation of the salesperson and have all the information a customer needs because our product is complex.”
Amy DeCicco
Sr. Vice President, Marketing
Qwilr customer Xiaohui Wong, Founder at Essence of Email
Essence of EmailEssence of Email
“On a functional level, we really appreciate how Qwilr allows us to password protect and digitally sign our proposals to improve privacy and security with clients. Also, the ability to track page views on live proposals has helped us better focus our time and efforts on pursuing quality leads.”
Xiaohui Wong
Qwilr customer Blake Ziolowski, Sales Manager at LaunchNotes
“We’re seeing deals close a lot faster while also adding a level of professionalism and enjoying powerful insights. None of these things we were getting through the use of PDFs and e-signature software alone.”
Blake Ziolowski
Sales Manager

Loved by 4,000+ customers

What people are saying about Qwilr on G2:

Completely transformed my sales and proposal process!

“I love how easy it is to create an interactive, immersive, and fast-loading proposal page that is geared and aimed at maximising conversions.”

Nathan C.

Transformed our quotations!

“I love how visually appealing Qwilr is in regards to the proposals we send our clients. We've had really positive feedback, even from people very high up at Apple.”

Luke T.

Proposal generation that's easy and beautiful

“Consistent appearance of the documents we create with Qwilr means that our proposals always look good and feel like us. The extensive library functions make it possible to reuse content easily and save time.”

Spencer K.

Favorite Sales Tool!

“There is so much that I can do with Qwilr. We've been able to build several sales templates and then depending on the needs of our clients, choose the right template which means that we can speed up our sales process.”

Benji S.

Game Changer for Our Business

“We're solving the problem of dead quotes that lose momentum with Qwilr. We leverage the ability to see times quotes have been viewed quite a bit.”

Hunter T.

Qwilr has changed the way we sell.

“Qwilr pages are beautiful & simple, and they set us apart from the competition. They are much easier to edit than other proposal services out there — meaning we can send more quotes in a shorter period of time.”

Adam M.